Youth Group Mailing List

Our next production will be in December 2024! Please join the mailing list to hear about our latest taster sessions and auditions.

About the Youth Group
The youth group is for young people aged 13-18 (inclusively) who are interested in performing, directing and meeting new people. We perform a full-length play open to the public each Autumn/Winter term, and an in-house performance free to friends and family in Spring/Summer. Outside of rehearsal periods, we hold weekly Sunday evening drama/games sessions.

Entry to the youth group is usually through auditions for our Autumn/Winter play. These take place in June, and auditions are open to everyone. If you are not successful in getting a part, you may of course stay on this list for next year. In exceptional circumstances, we may invite people on this list to come along to taster sessions at other points of the year. This is dependant on existing members leaving, so cannot be guaranteed!

Thank you for your patience, interest and cooperation!

Youth Group FAQ
  • The youth group is led by volunteers - please bear this in mind during communications - and we stick to a cast size with which we feel comfortable. If you/your child is not successful this time please do not take it personally, and you may, of course, remain on the mailing list.
  • All youth group leaders have been DBS checked and hold chaperone licences from Kent County Council.
  • Successful auditionees will be required to pay the £5 membership to the Lindley Players, and will have a place in the youth group outside of play rehearsals (should you wish to have one!).
  • All cast members must be 13-18 years old (inclusively) at the time of performance.
* indicates required

Playhouse Theatre Whitstable will use the information you provide on this form to be in touch with you and to provide updates and marketing. Please let us know all the ways you would like to hear from us: